Sunday, July 26, 2009

The wobble effect pertains to the matching of?

a. codons with anticodons.

b. codons with exons.

c. exons with introns.

d. template DNA with messenger RNA.

e. messenger RNA with ribosomal RNA.

The wobble effect pertains to the matching of?
It's A.

The wobble position is the 3rd position of the anticodon in the tRNA. Because more than one codon can code for a specific amino acid, that means you need more than one tRNA for one amino acid. In all cases, the codons differ only in the 3rd base position. It would therefore make sense if your tRNA didn't really have to fit perfectly, but rather only the first 2 bases in the anticodon matched up. This way, you don't need as many tRNA molecules floating around. It's a method to increase metabolic efficiency for the cell.

B. is stupid. Codons don't match up with exons; codons are sets of 3 base pairs inside an exon.

C. also dumb. Introns get cut out of mRNA during processing - they can be thought of as junk DNA, whereas exons actually code for genes.

D. is interesting. An RNA polymerase reads the template DNA and recruits RNA bases to create the mRNA.

E. mRNA and rRNA don't match up.

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