Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is this what the Dems bring to the table?


Oil-co Tax (who ends up paying...):

Is this what the Dems bring to the table?
What did you expect. It's the same old Democrat crap.
Reply:It is amazing!!!! Their agenda seemed to be hidden, until it is too late for us tax payer!!!!!!!

And Rangel, what a hypocrite!!!!!!!
Reply:Yes, and this is only the beginning. I think we are going to be hearing a whole lot of "DOH!!, now I remember why I voted them out last time"

Don't blame me, I voted Republican.
Reply:Its what they get for not thinking and just voting...are we there yet said it perfectly.
Reply:The draft is a no-starter unless America is attacked by a major power, there are circumstances where a draft could and should be considered, if Russia or China began making threats then it would be justified. The only tax on the oil companies that could be effective would be a windfall profit tax any other type would just be passed on to the consumer.
Reply:with a special thanks to the uneducated masses who voted democrat this month, you just sent your kids to war, when you thought the dems wanted to pull out, youve been duped. its called "bait and switch"
Reply:who always ends up paying? :(.
Reply:I am ashamed of the American people for listening to the liberal media..and voting in the idealess Democrats. All the voter are going to be sorry they did so and I think they already are after the affair last week.
Reply:The oil tax is a good thing.

Rangel is not as politically polished as he should be. He is against the poor fighting our battles. He wants the draft to be sure that their is outcry when unjust wars are started.
Reply:You know it. A military draft, higher gas prices to pay for the oil tax, higher taxes in general. This is what the American voters wanted last week. And this is what they will get.


OH YE SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Don't forget "cut and run" in the war against terror. They will begin by cutting back on funds to support our troops, then cut off the military entirely -- just like Vietnam. Look for the ACLU, the teacher's unions, the public employees unions, and the trial lawyers to set the domestic agenda for the Demos. People tend to forget that the only reason the country propered under Clinton was due to the Republican take-over of the legislative branch in 1994, which put the brakes on the Demos plans to socialize medicine, and forced Clinton to rein in spending. Unfortunately, hubris and the extreme religious right got their hooks into the mindless Bush, which cost us the last election, as there was very little difference STATED between Demos and the GOP. So what could the mindless masses do, but vote for change, having forgotten that the change that's coming is one they've rejected over and over throughout the past 40 years.
Reply:Rangel has been beating the draft-drum for three years. No one but a blind zealot would use him as an example for all Dems.

As for the oil tax, it sounds like a restoration of tax levels before the GOP money giveaway. It sounds reasonable.

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