Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will Bill Clinton's NAFTA be a monkey on Hillary's back?

Is it a thorn in her side or will she be able to overcome it.

Will Bill Clinton's NAFTA be a monkey on Hillary's back?
More troubling is Hillary Clinton's YES votes for Free Trade with Chile, Oman, Singapore and China.

Clinton supported most favored nation trade status despite concerns about China’s human rights record. “We have to use our our moral and material strengths in ways that serve our evolving interests,” she said. “We have to ask ourselves what hope does the global market hold for the tens of millions of victims of child labor, or for the 100 million street children without homes or families whom I’ve seen everywhere from Brazil to Mongolia who are being left to fend for themselves.”

Unfortunately Obama voted YES for Most Favored Nation Status for China in 2004. He along with Hillary voted NO on CAFTA.

The most anti-"Free Trade" candidates (Edwards, Kucinich and Paul) were marginalized by the Corporate media-which has always supported these Pro-Corporate pacts.

More than anything Hillary's Republican like voting record on Foreign Policy (YES for Iraq War, YES on Kyl-Lieberman Ammendment, NO on banning Landmines, NO on banning Cluster Bombs) hurt her with Liberal voters.
Reply:any clear thinking economic patriot should see it that way.
Reply:She is a thorn in her own side
Reply:I think there is no doubt it has hurt her.
Reply:It is as far as I'm concerned . Don't want no bickerin couple in the White House personally . I don't think a spouse of an ex prez will be any better than the son of an ex prez . To much competition who's better what not . Nope it ain't a good thing for sure .
Reply:she is her own monkey, her own thorn. she's abrasive, morally degenerate self-serving pond scum. that's her problem. even the voting democratic base knows it. she's no bubba. not in a million years does she have his charisma. as we speak she is no doubt looking for a new rock to crawl under for another four years. ding dong, the witch is dead -- except for us poor slobs in NY, she's still pissing on our parade here. no accomplishments in state senate. USELESS DAME.
Reply:It is already. But nonetheless, she won't stop the Obama Express.

Nothing against Clinton, but my choice is Obama.
Reply:Hopefully. But NAFTA isn't the big problem. WTO is the big problem but the American public has no memory of it despite, or perhaps because of, the protests that the government suppressed.
Reply:Poor Hillary, Lol. buying cows . The NAFTA. She most certainly got a plate full. Bill's done a pretty good job of screwing her over in the past, Why stop now. But, unless the the Republicans do,as Rush ask, I see a bad day for Hillary come Tuesday. .Reckon she 's shipped the cows out yet?
Reply:Many Democrats will not vote for her because of NAFTA.
Reply:NAFTA is a monkey on the backs of most working North Americans. It is all good for corporations.
Reply:I am 59 years old, worked hard all my life, still working. I saw unions weaken and die and working men and women paying more for "benefits", 3 factories close shop and went overseas in Illinois, within 10 years (All-Steel was a major one). You can debate unions all you want, but between NAFTA and big CEOs arm wrestling working man's jobs and benefits away, I had to desert democratic party and become independent.

Hillary supposedly was against NAFTA during Bill's "reign", but Bill shut her up, and she "stood by her man". Only God can judge her heart. She said she knew how hard it would hurt the American people. Somehow I believe her sincerity and I think she has learned from her mistakes (happens as you age).

Don't think Obama is any better or worse. His voting record is like a pancake, flip flop. He has no idea the struggle of the working man. He is too wrapped up in racial preferencing to decide or vote on any issue that affects the working poor.

I think Hillary can overcome NAFTA because I think she has learned a tuff lesson. I see it like this. Whether she really cares about working poor (the plight of the white working poor) or not, she realizes she needs our vote, whether sincere or not. As far as "standing by her man" during Jennifer Flowers, Monica, Paula, NAFTA, well that can mean she is loyal, or she is just foolish. You decide.

If I were voting dem, and had to choose between HIllary and Obama, I would vote for Hillary because I believe she wants to go down in history on a positive note and will fight against NAFTA this time around.

But then, I am independent thus far. A lot can happen between now and November.
Reply:Yes, and that's why she's backing off. It won't help her, though. It's too late
Reply:Bill Clinton is the monkey on her back !!!
Reply:I think Obama has that position. LOL.

I asked a similar question days ago and only got 2 replies; it will be interesting to the posts.

Obama profited just as much from NAFTA. If libs sit in Oval office, they will continue implement CAFTA and continue NAU, and blame in on Bush.


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