Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will Hillary continue to use Bill to play?

the race card?

After that primary, the former president angered many by suggesting Obama had won the state simply because he was a black candidate campaigning in a state with a large number of black voters. Since then, Clinton has badly lost the black vote to Obama in every primary or caucus - including Louisiana's earlier this month.

Will Hillary continue to use Bill to play?
Well, while I think Bill Clinton has done irreparable damage to his wife's campaign, I do not agree with the reasons you state. I do not think it really matters what Bill Clinton had to say. The fact that he appeared at all brought up a lot of unhappy memories and old Democrat baggage.

What many people who are new to the process or were not engaged in the process during the Clinton administration years do not realize is that Bill Clinton did some very serious damage to the party.

Besides losing both houses of Congress to the Republicans for the first time in 40 years, Bill Clinton became the party leader and he quickly looted the party coffers to support his re-election campaign while leaving most other Democrat party office seekers little funding to campaign with. The Clinton Administration was also ruthless and heavy handed in its dealings with many party officials and regular members.

This is especially true among those who are now Super-delegates. It is not at all surprising that their early support of Hillary is waning now that they have an alternative viable candidate. Many are eager to turn their backs on the Clinton regime and more than happy to take their party back.

Most are afraid of Hillary. If she looked at all like she would win they would be too scared to cross her. But now that she is looking more and more vulnerable, they are happy to help end the Clinton era once and for all. For them, the end of the Hillary campaign will be akin to the house landing on the evil witch in the Wizard of Oz. All dared not oppose her but once she is gone the munchkins will party hearty.

Reply:If Hillary wins the Presidency, It will be Bill who's in charge. He miss his old bedroom in the Whorehouse.He will be more in the news than she, He will making the decisions and giving the arguments. Also, this is Chelsy's extended Education in political Science.
Reply:HOWDY!!! andy g,

Yes sir you are right, she has only Bill to really back her. Another thing was a real surprise to me and that was The so called Hard Core Dem's ( Ted Kennedy %26amp; John Kerry ) going to bat for Obama. Kind of strange don't you think ? I don' like Kennedy or Kerry but my note above says it all.

STAY SAFE!!! My Friend,

Reply:Haha! If she loses, I bet she will blame him. I wonder if he has thought about that
Reply:Sure, just like chickenhawks will continue to use any lame excuse they can think of to avoid going to iraq and actually fighting in the war they claim to "support" while hiding behind a keyboard. I don't support the war in iraq like you claim to, nellie.
Reply:Yes, she will. We can't allow it anymore.

'Obama '08!!
Reply:Yes, don't see her one them changing,I see even more coming. because obama sent out mail on her insurance plan and boy is she hot..So, by all means Bill will be right on this. LOL never will it end.

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