Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do you think it's crazy we just deport hardcore Mexican felons back to Mexico?

I found this article earlier tonight.

Specifically check out the following passage...

"The policy generally does not apply to Mexicans, who are almost immediately returned to Mexico after being stopped by Border Patrol agents."

Are you comfortable with this? I had a terrible personal experience with 2 Mexicans who robbed me where I worked. They were caught within a week but only deported back to Mexico to my disbelief. I had always thought that if you commit a crime here then you pay the time here. Instead, my two robbers were sent back home and probably just came right back. I decided to quit my job where I was robbed. Better safe than sorry. However, we should keep dangerous felons (regardless of race or nationality) locked up here in the US.

Do you think it's crazy we just deport hardcore Mexican felons back to Mexico?
It's a scam! We deport the illegals to Mexico ... within 1 to 2 days they are back! Illegal aliens that commit further crimes (other than entering the country illegally) should serve time in "special" American prisons! Three hots and a cot, 23/7 in cell (I'll give them 1 hour per day to sh**, shower and shave!) In short, these criminals have already broken one law (entering the country illegally), they compound this offense by committing another offense of our laws (theft, rape, murder, etc). DA**! How much more evidence do we need that we are looking at a habitual criminal! Illegals who commit ANOTHER criminal offense in this country should just be executed ... and their remains deported to their country of origin! Dead men do not break any laws!
Reply:Let's deport them to Iraq. I hear they have a gallows that's not being used right now...
Reply:Our country has gone over the age of ever coming back sorry for you experience Hope you are well and healthy.
Reply:NONAME has a point and while you are ok with the fact that American dollars goes towards housing and feeding these criminals, you are only a small percentage of people who feel that is ok. I think you will find that most Americans just want to deport them, not always thinking or knowing that they will probably just come right back.
Reply:Well Americans don't want to be housing illegal aliens so that is the only thing the government can do.
Reply:I was going to answer by saying why not, Mexico deports them to the USA, but I guess I would agree that if they commit a crime here that we should lock them up here and make them pay for the crime as I am sure that Mexico would throw me in jail if I committed a crime in Mexico and not deport me back to the USA. I know that they run the prison system here but at least they are behind bars and not out on the street committing robberies.
Reply:No, like i said before, and I will say it again, They want to be in our country, how about bringing HOME the troops, and putting these thugs in replacement, of our wars. This way if they want to be an american, they can fight for it first.

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