Sunday, July 26, 2009

Does this sound fascist to you?

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.

Does this sound fascist to you?
When I saw the your question, I knew it was about Hell-ary even before I read the details. She is a fascist, and she scares the crap out of me. She's not normal. Women are strong and powerful, yes, but also loving and nurturing. Hell-ary is none of those things, and sometimes I think she's a sociopath.
Reply:Actually, it sounds socialist, which is what Clinton is.
Reply:lol how did they think it was going to be paid for.these people who want this just don't realize it isn't going to be free health have to be careful what you wish for.
Reply:It's not fascist. It's socialist.

(Big difference to political science geeks, both bad to the rest of us.)
Reply:Of course it is. Typical Clinton. She is so much smarter than the rest of us and, of course, knows what's best for us..
Reply:Of course it is - it's all the rave. Permit the ownership of property (and biz), but dictate how it is to be used.

Restaurants - no trans-fat, no smoking

Auto-co's - increase mileage (shrink car)

Microsoft - don't charge too much; don't give away


We bought into this game years ago. There's no end to what will be mandatory or banned. Wait till they go after your weight b/c you take more than your allotment of fuel.
Reply:Liberal freedom baby. Stealing is ok, if you motives are "pure". Just like social security.

Actually it sounds more socialistic than fascist to me.
Reply:It would probably be a payroll deduction like it is now. If you have ever had a job, then you know that is the way employees pay for their health insurance now. You pay for your health insurance through payroll deductions. What would be different?
Reply:definately fascist or communist

"from those according to their ability to those according to their need"...Karl Marx

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