Thursday, July 30, 2009

I have povray3.6, how do I use this program?

How can I make 3d pictures on it and view them, because I see nothing but c++ codes like this:

// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File

// File: ?.pov

// Vers: 3.6

// Desc: Radiosity Scene Template

// Date: mm/dd/yy

// Auth: ?


#version 3.6;

#declare Radiosity=on;

global_settings {

assumed_gamma 1.0

//max_trace_level 25

#if (Radiosity)

radiosity {

pretrace_start 0.08 // start pretrace at this size

pretrace_end 0.04 // end pretrace at this size

count 35 // higher -%26gt; higher quality (1..1600) [35]

nearest_count 5 // higher -%26gt; higher quality (1..10) [5]

error_bound 1.8 // higher -%26gt; smoother, less accurate [1.8]

recursion_limit 3 // how much interreflections are calculated (1..5+) [3]

low_error_factor .5 // reduce error_bound during last pretrace step

gray_threshold 0.0 // increase for weakening colors (0..1) [0]

minimum_reuse 0.015 // reuse of old radiosity samples [0.015]

brightness 1 // brightness of radiosity effects (0..1) [1]

adc_bailout 0.01/2

//normal on // take surface normals into account [off]

//media on // take media into account [off]

//save_file "file_name" // save radiosity data

//load_file "file_name" // load saved radiosity data

//always_sample off // turn sampling in final trace off [on]

//max_sample 1.0 // maximum brightness of samples




#default {

texture {

pigment {rgb 1}

#if (Radiosity)

finish {

ambient 0.0

diffuse 0.6

specular 0.3



finish {

ambient 0.1

diffuse 0.6

specular 0.3





// ----------------------------------------

camera {

right x*image_width/image_height

location %26lt;0,1.5,-4%26gt;

look_at %26lt;0,1,0%26gt;


light_source {

%26lt;500,500,-500%26gt; // light's position

color rgb %26lt;1, 1, 1%26gt; // light's color


sky_sphere {

pigment {

gradient y

color_map {

[0.0 rgb %26lt;0.6,0.7,1.0%26gt;]

[0.7 rgb %26lt;0.0,0.1,0.8%26gt;]




// ----------------------------------------

plane {

y, 0

texture {

pigment {


color rgb %26lt;1.0, 0.8, 0.6%26gt;

color rgb %26lt;1.0, 0.0, 0.0%26gt;

scale 0.5




sphere {

%26lt;0,1,0%26gt;, 1



// //

// Windows users: to start rendering this image, press Alt+G or the 'Run' //

// button on the toobar. //

// //

// Experienced windows users: try right-clicking on the line below ... //

// //

// +w320 +h240

// +w800 +h600 +a0.3 +am2

// //

// See the docs for full explanations of new features such as the above. //

// //


// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.

// Copyright 2001 Fabien Mosen

#include ""

#include ""

#include ""

global_settings {max_trace_level 5}

camera {location %26lt;20,40,28%26gt; direction 2*z look_at %26lt;0,2,0%26gt;}

light_source {%26lt;-140,200,300%26gt; rgb %26lt;1.0, 1.0, 0.95%26gt;*1.5}

light_source {%26lt;140,200,-300%26gt; rgb %26lt;0.9, 0.9, 1.00%26gt;*0.8 shadowless}

#declare r1 = seed(0);

//----------------------- THE TABLE

#declare Pig_1 =

pigment {

gradient z

color_map {

[0.00, rgb %26lt;0.01, 0.59, 0.81%26gt;]

[0.70, rgb %26lt;0.01, 0.59, 0.81%26gt;]

[0.70, rgb %26lt;0.98, 0.98, 0.87%26gt;]

[1.00, rgb %26lt;0.98, 0.98, 0.87%26gt;]


frequency 4


#declare Pig_2 =

pigment {


color_map {

[0.00, rgb %26lt;0.35, 0.58, 0.88%26gt;*1.0]

[0.25, rgb %26lt;0.35, 0.58, 0.88%26gt;*1.1]

[0.50, rgb %26lt;0.35, 0.58, 0.88%26gt;*0.9]

[0.75, rgb %26lt;0.35, 0.58, 0.88%26gt;*1.0]

[1.00, rgb %26lt;0.35, 0.58, 0.88%26gt;*0.8]


scale 0.1


#declare Nappe =

cylinder {0,y*-1,50

texture {

pigment {

gradient x

pigment_map {

[0.0, Pig_1]

[0.5, Pig_1]

[0.5, Pig_2]

[1.0, Pig_2]


warp {turbulence .05 octaves 2}


normal {quilted 0.6 scale 0.025 warp {turbulence 0.05 octaves 2}}

scale 5

translate 10



object {Nappe}

//----------------------- BISCUITS

#declare Tex_Biscuit =

texture {

pigment {color rgb %26lt;0.98, 0.83, 0.58%26gt;}

normal {dents 1.2 scale 0.01}

finish {phong 0 brilliance 0.7}


#declare Base_Biscuit =

union {

blob {

threshold 0.7

#declare I = 0;

#while (I %26lt; 359)

sphere {%26lt;4,0,0%26gt;, 1+rand(r1)*0.1, 1 rotate y*I}

#declare I = I+(360/28);



cylinder {%26lt;0,0,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,0.5,0%26gt;, 4}

texture {Tex_Biscuit}


#declare Chocolate =

union {

difference {

cone {%26lt;0,0,0%26gt;, 4.2, %26lt;0,0.4,0%26gt;, 4}

cone {%26lt;0,0.1,0%26gt;, 3.6, %26lt;0,0.401,0%26gt;, 3.75}


torus {

3.55, 0.1

translate y*0.2

clipped_by {torus {3.55+0.1, 0.1 translate y*0.1}}


union {

#declare I = -4;

#while (I %26lt; 4)

cylinder {%26lt;-4,0.1,I%26gt;,%26lt;4,0.1,I%26gt;, 0.05}

#declare I = I+0.5;


clipped_by {cone {%26lt;0,0,0%26gt;, 4.2, %26lt;0,0.4,0%26gt;, 4}}


torus {3.96, 0.04 translate y*0.4}

torus {3.79, 0.04 translate y*0.4}


#declare LogoFun =

object{Povray_Logo_Prism rotate x*90 scale 2.2 translate -0.3*z}

#declare ProjLogo =

blob {

threshold 0.6

#declare I = 0;

#while (I %26lt; 1)

#declare Pos = %26lt;-2+rand(r1)*4, 0, -2+rand(r1)*4%26gt;;

#if (inside(LogoFun,Pos))

sphere {Pos, 0.08, 1}


#declare I = I+0.0002;



#declare Black_Chocolate =

texture {

pigment {color rgb %26lt;0.24, 0.10, 0.03%26gt;}

normal {wrinkles 0.2}

finish {specular 0.3}


#declare Milk_Chocolate =

texture {

pigment {color rgb %26lt;0.48, 0.26, 0.13%26gt;}

normal {wrinkles 0.2}

finish {specular 0.2}


#declare White_Chocolate =

texture {

pigment {color rgb %26lt;0.96, 0.95, 0.75%26gt;}

normal {wrinkles 0.2}

finish {ambient 0.3 specular 0.01}


#declare Icing = texture {

pigment {rgbf %26lt;0.95, 0.95, 1.00, 0.1%26gt;*1.2}

normal {bumps 0.1}


#declare Biscuit_1 =

union {

object {Base_Biscuit}

object {Chocolate translate y*0.5 texture {Black_Chocolate}}

disc {

%26lt;0,0.101,0%26gt;, y, 3.6

translate y*0.5

texture {Black_Chocolate} normal {bumps 0.3 scale 0.05}


object {ProjLogo scale 1.5 rotate y*-90 translate %26lt;-0.4,0.6,0.5%26gt; texture {Icing}}

translate y*0.5


#declare Biscuit_2 =

union {

object {Base_Biscuit}

object {Chocolate translate y*0.5 texture {Milk_Chocolate}}

disc {

%26lt;0,0.101,0%26gt;, y, 3.6

translate y*0.5

texture {Milk_Chocolate} normal {bumps 0.3 scale 0.05}


object {ProjLogo scale 1.5 rotate y*-90 translate %26lt;-0.4,0.6,0.5%26gt; texture {White_Chocolate}}

translate y*0.5


#declare Biscuit_3 =

union {

object {Base_Biscuit}

object {Chocolate translate y*0.5 texture {White_Chocolate}}

disc {

%26lt;0,0.101,0%26gt;, y, 3.6

translate y*0.5

texture {White_Chocolate} normal {bumps 0.3 scale 0.05}


object {ProjLogo scale 1.5 rotate y*-90 translate %26lt;-0.4,0.6,0.5%26gt; texture {Milk_Chocolate}}

translate y*0.5


object {Biscuit_2 rotate y*-80 translate %26lt;-3.5,0,2%26gt;}

object {Biscuit_1 rotate y*-120 translate %26lt;3.5,0,-4%26gt;}

object {Biscuit_3 rotate x*-4 translate %26lt;8.5,0.9,0%26gt;}

#macro SevenBiscuits (Bisc,Num)

union {

#declare I = 0;

#while (I %26lt; Num)

object {Bisc translate x*9 rotate y*60*I}

#declare I = I+1;


object {Bisc}



//----------------------- CRUMBS

#declare Fun_Sphere = function {x*x + y*y +z*z}

#declare Crumb =

isosurface {

function {Fun_Sphere(x,y,z) + f_noise3d(x*2,y*2,z*2)*1}

threshold 1

max_gradient 3.9

//max_gradient 15

accuracy 0.01

contained_by {box {-1,1}}

scale 0.5


#declare r1 = seed(0);

#declare I = 0;

#while (I %26lt; 1)

object {


rotate rand(r1)*360

scale 0.2+rand(r1)*0.3

translate %26lt;rand(r1)*10,0,rand(r1)*10%26gt;

texture {Tex_Biscuit}


object {


rotate rand(r1)*360

scale 0.1+rand(r1)*0.15

translate %26lt;rand(r1)*10,0,rand(r1)*10%26gt;

texture {Tex_Biscuit}


#declare I = I+0.03;


//----------------------- METAL BOX

#declare Pig3 =

pigment {

gradient y

color_map {

[0, rgb %26lt;0.1, 0.5, 0.7%26gt;]

[1, rgb %26lt;0.7, 0.6, 0.4%26gt;]


scale 0.5


#declare Pig4 =

pigment {


color_map {

[0, rgb %26lt;1.0, 0.5, 0.6%26gt;]

[1, rgb %26lt;0.0, 0.0, 0.0%26gt;]


scale 0.2


#declare MetalBoxPig =

pigment {

radial frequency 60

pigment_map {

[0.0, Pig3]

[0.5, Pig3]

[0.5, Pig4]

[1.0, Pig4]



#declare BiscuitBox =

union {

difference {

cylinder {%26lt;0,0,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,5,0%26gt;, 14}

cylinder {%26lt;0,0.1,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,5.1,0%26gt;, 13.9}


torus {14, 0.1 translate y*5}

torus {14, 0.1 translate y*0.1}

torus {14, 0.1 scale %26lt;1,2,1%26gt; translate y*4}

cylinder {

%26lt;0,0.3,0%26gt;,%26lt;0,3.5,0%26gt;, 14.01 open

pigment {MetalBoxPig}

finish {phong 0.8 reflection {0.01, 0.15}}


pigment {Gray60}

finish {phong 0.8 metallic reflection {0.5, 0.7}}


union {

object {BiscuitBox}

object {SevenBiscuits (Biscuit_1,6)}

object {SevenBiscuits (Biscuit_3,6) rotate y*30 translate y*1}

object {SevenBiscuits (Biscuit_2,5) rotate y*0 translate y*2}

rotate y*-75 translate %26lt;-18,0,-12%26gt;


//-----------------------CUP OF TEA

#declare TeaCup =

union {

difference {

cylinder {%26lt;0,1.2,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,6,0%26gt;, 4.2}

cylinder {%26lt;0,1,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,6.2,0%26gt;, 3.8}


difference {

cylinder {%26lt;0,0.2,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,2.5,0%26gt;, 4}

torus {2.8, 1 translate y*2.5}

torus {4, 1 translate y*0}

cylinder {%26lt;0,1.5,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,2.6,0%26gt;, 2.8}


difference {

#declare LiquidLevel = 5;

cylinder {%26lt;0,1.4,0%26gt;, %26lt;0,LiquidLevel,0%26gt;, 4}

torus {3.6, 0.2 translate y*LiquidLevel}

cylinder {%26lt;0,LiquidLevel-0.2,0%26gt;,%26lt;0,LiquidLevel+0....

pigment {Orange*0.8 filter 0.6}

finish {phong 0.7 reflection 0.15}

normal {bumps 0.05 scale 1}


torus {4.0, 0.2 translate y*6.0}

torus {4.0, 0.2 translate y*1.2}

torus {2.8, 0.2 translate y*0.2}

union {

difference {

cylinder {%26lt;0.2,0,0%26gt;,%26lt;-0.2,0,0%26gt;,0.5}

torus {0.5, 0.2 rotate z*90 translate x*0.2}

translate y*1.25


difference {

cylinder {%26lt;0.2,0,0%26gt;,%26lt;-0.2,0,0%26gt;,0.5}

torus {0.5, 0.2 rotate z*90 translate x*0.2}

translate y*-1.25


torus {1.25, 0.3 rotate x*90 clipped_by {plane {x,0 inverse}} translate x*0.8}

cylinder {%26lt;0,-1.25,0%26gt;,%26lt;0.8,-1.25,0%26gt;,0.3}

cylinder {%26lt;0,1.25,0%26gt;,%26lt;0.8,1.25,0%26gt;,0.3}

scale %26lt;1,1,1.5%26gt; translate %26lt;4.2,4,0%26gt; rotate y*-90


pigment {White}

normal {bumps 0.05 scale 3}

finish {phong 0.8 reflection 0.1}


object {TeaCup rotate y*50 translate %26lt;4,0,-14%26gt;}

I have povray3.6, how do I use this program?
you haven't compiled it yet. either compile it with a c compiler or download the precompiled version.

pov ray doesn't do hardly anything by itsself, it is an extremely complicated command line program. to use it effectively you need a GUI. google 'pov ray gui' and see what you get.
Reply:The code is not C++, but simple POV code that happens to be too long for a beginner to go through. Please read the tutorial that is provided with the POV-Ray installation. This is a simple and powerful ray-tracer, but you do need to read the manual, or you can't do anything.

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