Friday, July 31, 2009

Which Language?

Hi there. I'm interested in learning how to make web sites (not using just templates). The type of web site I would eventually like to create is a social network like myspace/facebook etc. How do you know which programming language to learn and use? Are there advantages and disadvantages for each? Do I need to learn (or should I learn) html first? I'm not asking so much how to program or where to find tutorials, but more like what you need to learn and which languages you choose and why. Is there a particular order I should learn things in (such as html %26gt; sql %26gt; c++ just for example)? Thanks for any help.

Which Language?

Reply:u need html %26gt;%26gt; xml %26gt;%26gt; java script/ ASP .net / %26gt;%26gt; databases (if your website is storing too many users )
Reply:HTML %26gt; Javscript / XML / CSS (can all be learned simultaneously) %26gt; ASP.NET
Reply:HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL.

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