Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm soo confused with these bio question.. please help?

76) During DNA replication, 76) ______

A) methylated DNA is copied in the cytoplasm, and unmethylated DNA in the nucleus.

B) all methylation of the DNA is lost.

C) methylation of the DNA is maintained because methylation enzymes act at DNA sites where one strand is already methylated and thus correctly methylates daughter strands after replication.

D) DNA polymerase is blocked by methyl groups, and methylated regions of the genome are therefore left uncopied.

E) methylation of the DNA is maintained because DNA polymerase directly incorporates methylated nucleotides into the new strand opposite any methylated nucleotides in the template.

75) General transcription factors 75) ______

A) are required for the expression of all protein-encoding genes.

B) bind to other proteins or to a sequence element within the promoter called the TATA box.

C) usually only lead to a low level of transcription in the absence of additional proteins called specific transcription factors.

D) help RNA polymerase bind to the promoter and begin transcribing.

E) all of the above

I'm soo confused with these bio question.. please help?
75. E

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