Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If Hugo Chavez Can Lose, Mrs. Clinton's Not Inevitable?

If Hugo Chavez Can Lose, Mrs. Clinton's Not Inevitable

If there was somebody in the world that had more inevitability about his election future than Mrs. Clinton, it was Hugo Chavez, who, interestingly, also has the same initials as Hillary Clinton, H. C. Hugo Chavez was even more inevitable than Hillary Clinton. He had even more control of the media in Venezuela than she does here. He has even more power to kneecap opponents than she does. And yet he lost! Venezuela won! He had a reform package, quote, unquote, reform But, nevertheless, it seems that there could be a message here for the liberals and their template that Mrs. Clinton is inevitable. Hugo Chavez wasn't. And she isn't. They're crying in San Francisco over this, by the way. So what we have here in Venezuela, one small setback for socialism and a giant setback yet to happen here in the United States in a setback for socialism.

Remember, now, Hugo Chavez had all the things going for him. He hated George Bush. He came to the UN and he called him the devil. He's cozied up to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We're the most hated country on Earth, right? And Hugo Chavez was going to reap the benefits here. By the way, his oil price is falling today as well, but it's a little too soon to get excited about Hugo Chavez and I'll tell you why. Back in, I think 2000 or 2001, does the name Robert Mugabe ring a bell? Robert Mugabe is the dictator in Zimbabwe, and he had a package of reforms in 2000 or 2001 that was identical, I mean very close, very similar to what Chavez proposed in Venezuela, and yet he's still in power and it was two or three months after that vote when he was defeated that he decided to start seizing all of the farmland owned by white farmers in Zimbabwe and nationalize it. So, to expect Chavez to just take this and go down to defeat and not try to revitalize his, quote, unquote, reforms, is a little crazy.

But there's a silver lining here, because the conventional wisdom is, I don't know if you're aware of it, but so much in liberal Media was very effusive in its praise for Hugo Chavez, primarily because of his hatred for George W. Bush and his mocking him, and having a renegade like Chavez out there served the purpose and the narrative of the liberal Media who said the world hates Bush, and even if Chavez is a nut, look who made him a nut? Bush made him the nut, because Bush is threatening him and so forth. Venezuela shouldn't be threatened by us, blah, blah, blah. Now in Chavez's case, the place that he actually lost the debate, lost the vote was in the poor areas of town and the poor populations, primarily of Caracas but throughout the country, and they were going to supposedly be the prime beneficiaries of all this socialism, but it's like the Soviet Union is or was now. There are shortages of food, I mean basic staples. Socialism just doesn't work, and it's not inevitable, despite leftists in this country and around the world trying to make everybody think that it is, so we'll keep a sharp eye on this. Hugo Chavez down to defeat in terms of his reforms.


If Hugo Chavez Can Lose, Mrs. Clinton's Not Inevitable?
You have to read newspapers with a grain of salt. (The one you reprinted here would hardly be classified as "liberal.")

The fact that socialism does not always work does not prove that capitalism always does.

Also, Chavez has accepted the fact that his initiative did not win.

Please note that Hillary Clinton is running in America, not Venezuela.
Reply:Ya don't be counting those chickens yet, the eggs aren't hatched,

Chavez was outvoted by the students in the country, they want a new Venezuela.

He says the vote was lost but the referendum is not closed. He has until 2012 to get it passed.
Reply:The Dems will NOT nominate her
Reply:Chavez lost because voters aren't stupid and they can see when they are being tricked. The so-called "reform" mixed social issues with constitutional amendments that would virtually turn Chavez into an elected dictator.

In the United States, Hillary Clinton is not the issue. The current President is the one that acts like a dictator, ignoring advise from both the opposition and his own party members. Americans aren't stupid either so they are going to punish him/his party for this on the next elections.
Reply:It remains to be seen. The election holds the answer.
Reply:think 51% to 49% will ever happen again..in the next 5 years..that guy will not leave when he is supposed to go..IMHO
Reply:Fine by me.
Reply:Now that you have brought the similarities in them I notice also that they are the same size more or less.

Have the two of them ever been seen at the same time.

not necessarily together just at the same time in different countries.

Is it possible they are one in the same.

Is this part of the plan for world domination by the socialists/communists
Reply:Do you expect people to read alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of this sack of excrement?
Reply:She never was. People just thought that.
Reply:jesus do u think u could have wrote something longer and more boring than this...u have a better chance of dieing from diarrhea its still ranked number 6 for biggest killers..good luck..
Reply:Most people never believed she could it was the Liberal Media trying to sway peoples minds with garbage.

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